Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in homeschool, travel, and eating clean. Thanks for stopping by!
"My Mom is a mess!" - Jude Oliver Stewart age 5
And there you have it, straight from the mouth of my 5 year old as we were trying to leave the daycare at our gym.
I will be the first to admit that at times, I can get a little overwhelmed with life. 3 kids (Jude Oliver-8, Lila Blue-5 and Gwyn Estelle- 3), 1 super hard working husband (who owns his own business-small business wives...you know ;), homeschooling, sports and then the normal every day grind. When my husband suggested I start a blog a couple years ago, I completely blew it off. Honestly, I never have had the confidence and did not believe I had anything special or "different" to offer and, I have always been a very private person. Then, the more passionate I became about investing in my kids through education, health and creating a loving and joyful atmosphere for my family, the more God seemed to put this "blog" thing on my heart.
My hope, is that through my passions (kids, life, homeschooling, home projects and health) you will find encouragement, inspiration and maybe a laugh here and there. When Josh and I got married 9 years ago, we dreamed of this life that we could build for our family that was independent, focusing on our family, centered around christ, and living intentionally to create memories for our kids that would give them a solid foundation. It has taken a lot of hard work, tears, joy and making it up as we go to get to this point, and we still have so much to learn! We are content, but not stagnant and we are absolutely, in no way shape or form, perfect. I do believe God created us to be in relationship with one another and to encourage each other, so that is my hope and prayer. This is the Stewart Family journey.
Cheers to jumping out in faith, taking risks and living intentionally!
—Mommy mess