Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in homeschool, travel, and eating clean. Thanks for stopping by!
Homeschool year 5. I have adopted a new motto, I’m sharing our curriculum choices and I am answering your questions! Get ready, this is a full post. ;)
My friend Ruth Bethea just graduated her oldest twins this last Spring. She is sweet, honest genuine and so so wise. She has great advice on homeschooling through High School, don’t miss this interview!
Heather Robison is a homeschooling Mom of 5 in Utah. She does such a great job of incorporating unit studies into their days and it is inspiring to say the least. If you have ever wondered about unit studies, or would just love to glean some wisdom from this sweet Mama you have come to the right place.
In this post we talk to a Mama who leads her kids in the Charlotte Mason Method for their education. It is near to my heart for so many reasons, but the emphasis on nature might be my favorite.
When it comes to homeschool, there are SO many methods and learning styles to choose from, which is wonderful and overwhelming. Here is a little snip it of the Classical model of educating and a great interview with my good friend Kristin Phillips.
We are finished with our homeschool year and after completing our 4th year of homeschool, I feel like I finally let go enough to figure out how to keep the joy in our homeschool experience.
Quitting when it got hard may have seemed like the easier choice at the time, but pressing in and asking God for guidance, endurance and JOY gave us the chance to build character and the opportunity for my son to see the importance of perseverance.
Easy is definitely not a word I would use to describe homeschooling. If I am gut wrenchingly honest, I would say exhausting, challenging, or perhaps even overwhelming.
As a homeschool family, we thrive on getting outdoors and exploring. This week I am sharing some of our favorite spots in and around Springfield to get outdoors!
School days, school days dear old golden rule days...Oh August. Summer is over and school is here and if you find yourself in a bit of a funk or overwhelmed with the thought of homeschooling for the first time, or just hopping back into a new year, I have a few tips. Honestly, they are things I need to remind myself constantly.