All in Homeschool

Incorporating Unit Studies

Heather Robison is a homeschooling Mom of 5 in Utah. She does such a great job of incorporating unit studies into their days and it is inspiring to say the least. If you have ever wondered about unit studies, or would just love to glean some wisdom from this sweet Mama you have come to the right place.

Press in and press on

Quitting when it got hard may have seemed like the easier choice at the time, but pressing in and asking God for guidance, endurance and JOY gave us the chance to build character and the opportunity for my son to see the importance of perseverance. 

Making the most of your homeschool year

School days, school days dear old golden rule days...Oh August. Summer is over and school is here and if you find yourself in a bit of a funk or overwhelmed with the thought of homeschooling for the first time, or just hopping back into a new year, I have a few tips. Honestly, they are things I need to remind myself constantly.

Something had to change

I always resisted a formal schedule because I wanted to take advantage of every perk I assumed in the privilege of homeschooling my children. In my mind, we could do what we wanted, when we wanted and in our pajamas. Read on about how wrong I was.

Homeschooling: 10 tips to get past the mid-year slump

Homeschooling moms, this IS the hardest part of the year. Every year. Routine has become boring and somewhat sub par, lack of routine has turned our brains into a spiral of survival. Not to mention the WEATHER that keeps us inside with kids all day long and all that built up energy we wish would rub off on us just for a bit. I have 10 tips that help me stay encouraged during this time of the year.